
About Astro Krishna Priya


Though Astrology is like a deep ocean anybody can get knowledge through going deeply
in water and get some drops of nectar of this divine knowledge./

Astro Krishna Priya Revels The Will Of God

 Study the horoscope of God shri krishna.

 Rohini Nakshatra extends from 10o of Taurus sign to 23:20 of Taurus sign. This Nakshatra is governed by the Moon. Krishna was born with both his ascendant and the natal Moon falling in the Rohini Nakshatra. The main deity of Rohini Nakshatra is Load Brahma the creator.

Specialist In

Horoscope analysis, Tarot cards reading and Palm reading



A Horoscope is an Astrogical chart or diagram representing the positions...

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Tarot Reading

Tarot cards are a form of divination which literally means working with...

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Palm Reading

Palm Reading Your Palm shows the upcoming events related to your...

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Choose Your Zodiac Sign

The Sun Sign Lessons are based on our learning to handle different FORMS OF ENERGY. Earth (Practical), Water (Emotional. Psychic), Air (Mental. Logical), Fire (Spirit. Power).

  • Aries
  • 21 March - 20 April
  • Leo
  • 23 July - 22 August
  • Virgo
  • 23 August - 22 September
  • Libra
  • 23 September - 22 October

Our services



Worship lesson


Manglik Dosha

Kundli Dosha


Name Analysis